Home / Resources
Here you will find links to the citations and reference information used in the book. We believe that providing access to these resources will help readers to further explore the topics covered in the book and deepen their understanding of the future of EMS

Federal Resources
View the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Playbook outlining the agency's embrace of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve health care administration and delivery.
A summary of the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative Act of 2020
View the "Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights"
The U.S. Government Accountability Office resource on "Artificial Intelligence in Health Care"
View the 2019 Executive Order by President Donald Trump on Artificial Intelligence.
The United States Artificial Intelligence Safety Institute.
Learn about AI at the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services.
View the 2023 Executive Order by President Joseph Biden on Artificial Intelligence.
View the White House Nonfatal Overdose Dashboard, powered by near-real-time EMS data.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology resource page on AI.
Professional Organizations
The 2019 American Medical Association's policy on Augmented Intelligence in Health Care.
The 2024 American College of Physicians paper on "AI in the Provision of Health Care".
View the Elsevier Health report discussion the role of AI in healthcare, and how it will change education and the practice of medicine.
AMA's 2023 paper discussing the "Principles for Augmented Intelligence Development, Deployment, and Use"
The 2022 paper from the American Nursing Association on the Ethical Use of AI in Nursing.
Video: View this panel discussion exploring how medical schools are embracing and integrating AI into medical education.
This 2021 report by the American Academy of Family Physicians discuss the role of AI in patient care documentation.
See how the nursing profession utilizes model legislation and model rules to promote uniformity of the profession across the United States.
Video: A video from 1988 showing one of the early AI systems in medicine.

Watch the concept video from Volkswagen showing their driverless ambulance concept vehicle.
See how surgeons are utilizing Augmented Reality to improve patient outcomes.
This 1988 video shows the MYCIN system, one of the early medical applications of AI.
Video: A video from 1988 showing one of the early AI systems in medicine.
In 2023, Sri Lanka implemented Microsoft's HoloLens in ambulances, showing how Augmented Reality and AI can superpower EMS clinicians.
Video: Learn about AlexNet and how that revolutionized and accelerated AI
Learn about the Technology Adoption Curve.
Life EMS, in Michigan, implemented AI to assist with EMS Dispatch.
Watch Microsoft's CEO react to the launch of the iPhone - a reminder for today's leaders when confronted with new technology.
Video: View this panel discussion exploring how medical schools are embracing and integrating AI into medical education.
The 1969 Airlie House Conference is one of the most important events in the history of modern EMS in the United States. View the conference papers and meeting materials.
Discover the history of EMS in Donnie's other book, "EMS in the United States: Fragmented Past, Future of Opportunity"
Learn how Dr. Peter Safar, a major influencer of modern EMS, discovered rescue breathing. Including a video from 1950s featuring a Boy Scout performing mouth to mouth!
Read the first paper, from 1955, on Artificial Intelligence.

Additional Resources
Discover the power of an AI assisted EMS patient care report documentation tool.
See how Epic Software is leveraging and incorporating AI into their hospital and patient record software.
References & End Notes
Here's a complete list of the references and endnotes included in the book.
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Ahmad, H. K., Milne, M. R., Buchlak, Q. D., Ektas, N., Sanderson, G., Chamtie, H., Karunasena, S., Chiang, J., Holt, X., Tang, C. H. M., Seah, J. C. Y., Bottrell, G., Esmaili, N., Brotchie, P., & Jones, C. (2023). Machine learning augmented interpretation of chest X-rays: A systematic review. Diagnostics (Basel, Switzerland), 13(4), 743. https://doi.org/10.3390/diagnostics13040743
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American Nurses Association. (2022). The ethical use of artificial intelligence in nursing practice: Position statement. ANA Center for Ethics and Human Rights, ANA Board of Directors. https://www.nursingworld.org/~48f653/globalassets/practiceandpolicy/nursing-excellence/ana-position-statements/the-ethical-use-of-artificial-intelligence-in-nursing-practice_bod-approved-12_20_22.pdf
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